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Sunday, 26 March 2017

Literature: The Young Warriors

V. S. Reid

  1. Title explanation: The title of the book is The Young warriors. The title refers to 5 young boys who train to become a Young Warrior.
  2. Author: Victor Stafford Reid (1 May 1913 – 25 August 1987) was a Jamaican writer born in Kingston, Jamaica, who wrote with an intent of influencing the younger generations. He was awarded the silver and gold Musgrave Medals, the Order of Jamaica and the Norman Manley Award for Excellence in Literature in 1981. He was the author of several novels, three of which were aimed towards children, one play production, and several short stories.
  3. Type of book: West Indian (Postcolonial Literature)
  4. Period written: In the 1960’s
  5. Theme: War
  6. Characters: Main Characters: Tommy, Johnny, Charlie, David and Uriah.
  7. Sub Characters: Chief Phillip, Juan de Bolas, Chief James, Captain Dick, Peter, Jim, John.
  8. Setting: Trelawny Town and in the Mountains
  9. Length of the story: a few months
  10. Motives: Hatred (between The Maroons and The Redcoats)
  11. Point of view: Third Person
The Young Warriors is a Jamaican novel by author Victor Stafford Reid, published in 1967.

Five teenage boys, members of a band of Maroons (runaway slaves in Jamaica during the 19th to early 20th century) living in the Maroon community of Mountain Top, pass their village's initiation tests for them to be recognized as young Maroon warriors. However, when they go out into the woods for a celebratory hunt as per their custom, they inadvertently discover that the British Redcoat soldiers, nemeses of the Maroons, are patrolling within the area.

What follows is a daring attempt by two of the boys, Tommy and Johnny, to seek aid from a neighbouring Maroon band to prevent the Redcoats from learning Mountain Top's location, a mission that doubles in urgency with every passing hour.

The novel was published by Pearson Schools, and is used in Jamaican [and other regional and extraregional] schools as an English Literature textbook. While the story itself is fictional in nature, it provides a view of the historical facts pertaining to the struggle between the Maroons and the Redcoats in Jamaica.

A selection of video presentations on the Maroons in Jamaica and the British Redcoats:
[should difficulties arise with videos, use links provided]

Jamaican Maroons on CACE INT'L TV

The British Redcoats

Nanny Town Rediscovered

Akwantu the Journey Official Trailer

A character sketch of the five young warriors:
  • Charlie—round character—jealous, boastful, dishonest, careless and fearful at first then he became selfless and brave at the end.
  • Uriah & David—flat characters; David-a great storyteller. Brave. He risked his life, telling a story to a group of Redcoat soldiers so that Tommy could free Charlie who was previously captured by the Redcoats.
  • Johnny—Brave; selfless (risked his life for his village); a keen listener; very attuned to his surroundings; thoughtful/pensive and perceptive.
  • Tommy—main Protagonist; brave; skillful (won most of the tests); selfless (risked his life for his village); dependable (the Chief trusted him and Johnny to go to Mocho Mountain and ask them for help; thoughtful (didn't want to hurt Charlie's feelings after he found out that Charlie had cheated on the run to Lookout Rock.

Tropes/Themes present in The Young Warriors:
  • Big Eater: David.
  • Intimidating/Tough Grandpa: Chief Phillip.
  • Batman Gambit: The whole plot to distract the Redcoats while Tommy and Johnny slip through their lines to seek out help from the Mocho Maroons. The later set-up for the Starapple Gully ambush becomes this as well.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: The captain of the Redcoat army threatens to do this to get both the location of Mountain Top and the plans to summon the Mocho Maroons.
  • Commander Contrarian: Charlie.
  • Chekhov's Skill: David's storytelling ability, used early in the novel to entertain the boys during their night out hunting.
  • Death Glare: Charlie's father gives him one when he initially fails to answer Chief Phillip's questions during the question-and-answer session of the initial trials. This is largely because the boys have had to study their people's history for some time prior to the day of the trials. If a boy fails to answer the questions correctly, he has to wait a whole year before he can try again to become a young warrior (and if he fails the second time, he'll never become one).
  • Dishonest Dastardly Stops to Cheat: Charlie, during the final test in the initial chapters, disobeys the rules of the foot-race by eating food and then turning back without completing the full length of the race.
  • Five-Man Band: The five central protagonists.
The Hero: Tommy
o The Lancer: Johnny/Charlie
o The Big Guy: David
o The Smart Guy: Uriah
o The Wise One / The Heart & Soul: Johnny
o The Lancer: Johnny/Charlie
o The Big Guy: David
o The Smart Guy: Uriah
o The Wise One / The Heart & Soul: Johnny

  • Full-Boar Action: Tommy and Johnny come across a wild boar during their mission, and have to climb a tree to try and escape from him.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: All Maroons are trained to blend in with the forest surroundings to avoid detection; they do this by wearing leaves on their bodies, so that they appear to be small trees when they stand up next to the genuine articles. The five boys use this on one occasion to hide in the open from a Redcoat soldier.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: While all Maroons are trained to have good aim when using knives, slings and bows, Tommy and Uriah get to show their skills during the initiation trials to qualify them as young warriors. In one of the tests, the boys are expected to shoot arrows through four holes that decrease in size with each target; while the other boys either miss the last target or have their arrows damaged while passing through it (in Charlie's case), Tommy manages to get his arrow through all the holes without a problem. In the knife-throwing tests, they have to throw knives at a bull's-eye target and at a naseberry fruit that's been thrown into the air; regarding the second test, Uriah is the only one to send his knife right through the fruit and cause the knife to land on its point.
  • Obnoxious: Charlie. He matures.
  • Oh, Crap!: Tommy and Johnny's reaction on realizing they've stumbled upon a wild boar's den. They quickly scramble to find a tree to climb to get out of the pig's way before he charges out of his hole.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Chief Phillip, and the war captain Dick. Also, Chief James of the Mocho Maroons.
  • The Resenter: Charlie is this for much of the novel. He feels that he, not Tommy, should have been selected to lead the boys on their celebratory hunt by virtue of being the oldest and "winning" the hardest of the four initiation tests (Tommy was selected because he won two of the four), and later feels that he, not Tommy and Johnny, should have been sent to find the Mocho Maroons.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: Tommy and Johnny, witnessing Charlie's cheating during the foot-race, keep it to themselves for most of the novel, with Tommy later and briefly revealing this knowledge to Charlie during a Shut Up, Hannibal! moment.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Those Maroons who have sufficient training can do this. David later utilizes this during his Crowning Moment of Awesome.
  • Jul 24, 2012 Shulonie Mccalla
Tommy and Johnny are my favourite characters, the way they proved outstanding bravery.
  • Apr 20, 2010 Jacy-ann Stewart
I love it… the adventures, the skill, the expertise that the Maroons used to fool the Redcoats… but I wonder how comes Charlie became a hero in the end~this is my school’s literature book.
  • Apr 12, 2011 Lilleka
I loved this book and I thought that it was nice for the Maroons to defeat the Redcoats.
  • May 27, 2014 Nickeisha Senior
It was fun. Johnny rules!
  • May 30, 2014 Jennifer Fitzgerald
I think the book is awesome. I would suggest it to everybody who likes to read. I had to read it for English Lit for school. So awesome!
  • Nov 03, 2013 Abigail Allen
It was very boring. Although it was about a warrior, it could have been more exciting, shorter, and spicier.
  • Feb 03, 2017 Zoeyryan13hotmail.Com
It’s really interesting. I love it. My teacher read it for literature.
  • May 28, 2016 Reader
I read an earlier edition of this book in school in the early 70s. It led my mother to tell us more about the 'Maroons' as her grandfather told her. The interesting thing about this book, short as the story is, it contain more truths than the primary history text schools were 'given' back then.
  • Dec 31, 2013 Amber
  • Mar 20, 2014 Najwha Clarke
Love it… one of my best-read books from 1st Form in high school… real page-turner… could not stop reading 'till it end.

Revision exercise on The Young Warriors:

1. Who were the boys that were to be made into Young Warriors?
2. Who was the Chief of the village? Describe him.
3. By who was the golden band given and why?
4. did the boys never slept without?
5. What was Tommy’s room and hut made out of?
6. How many rooms did the house have and what was the roof made of?
7. What was Tommy’s bed made out of and why?
8. How old did a boy have to be to become a young warrior?
9. What was the Council-house?
10. What was the name of the village and name four others mentioned in the story?
11. Who started to cry when he could not answer the questions?
12. What was known as the ‘Parade Ground’?
13. Who was the first to be questioned and who was the last?
14. How many contests were there? Name them.
15. Who won what? 
a) Bow and Arrow:
b) Knife Throwing:
c) Naseberry:
d) Sling-shot:
e) Test of Honour:

16. What did Tommy’s mother give him when he was about to set off for the hunt?

Other matters of interest related to the study of this text


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