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Monday 26 August 2013

‘Devil attack’ & '7 Deadly Sins'

Panic after ‘Devil attack’ at school
Panic broke out at the Moruga Composite School yesterday as 17 female students fell mysteriously ill and began rolling on the ground, hissing and blabbering in a strange tongue, after suffering bouts of nausea and headaches.
Source URL (retrieved on 17/11/2010 - 11:38pm):

1.       The First Deadly Sin - Pride
Being proud of your country or your family isn’t a sin, neither is being proud of a job well done or of reaching a goal. Sinful pride is an unbalanced love of the self. It is super-confidence and self-esteem which ignores shortcomings.
Pride is a sin when it becomes arrogance and vanity. Pride is the key which unlocks rationalization of other sins. Humbleness and humility overcome this sin.

2.       The Second Deadly Sin - Envy
Envy is the sin of resenting another’s good fortune or joy. It’s similar to jealousy, which is the fear of losing what you already have. Meekness and kindness overcome envy.

3.       The Third Deadly Sin - Lust
It’s normal and healthy to be attracted to and appreciate the opposite sex; that’s not lust, and is not considered a sin. Lust is looking at, imagining and treating other people as mere sex objects to be used to gratify sexual desires. Lust is wanting to use someone for pleasure without respecting them as a holy being, made in the image and likeness of God. Lust is overcome by chastity: moderation in dress, speech, thoughts, and sexual activity.

     4.       The Fourth Deadly Sin - Anger

Anger is the sudden outburst of emotion and hostility. It’s also having the desire for revenge. It’s normal to feel anger, but acting out in anger is a grave sin. Anger is overcome by the virtues patience and love.

5.       The Fifth Deadly Sin - Gluttony
Gluttony is immoderate eating and drinking. Enjoying a delicious dinner is not sinful, but eating to the point of being sick is. Eating what you don’t want just so someone else doesn’t get it is gluttony.
Having an occasional drink to celebrate is not sinful. Drinking to the point of drunkenness is. Using alcohol to loosen inhibitions so you can rationalize sin is wrong. The human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and it should be treated with reverence. Gluttony can be overcome by fasting and abstinence, and also with the virtue temperance.

6.       The Sixth Deadly Sin - Greed
When things are cherished above people, when enough is never enough: that’s a sin. Greed is a sign of mistrust in God; it’s disbelief that God will take care of all your needs. Greed is the apex of selfishness; it ruins relationships and it stunts spiritual growth. Greed is overcome by generosity and sharing.

7.       The Seventh Deadly Sin - Sloth
Sloth is laziness, especially in spiritual matters. Neglecting prayers, being inattentive at religious services and just “going through the motions” is sloth. Sloth is overcome by practicing diligence: the habit of paying focused attention to the work at hand.

The Antidote to the Seven Deadly Sins:
All of the Seven Deadly Sins are sins against Jesus’ commandment to “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12).
Although each of the Seven has its own specific antidote, all seven deadly sins can be conquered by love, because “Love is patient and kind; it is nor jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).


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