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Saturday, 3 August 2013



  1. A hard working and capable student.
  2. A very good term's work.
  3. A very keen student who has maintained a high standard of work.
  4. An excellent performance.
  5. Excellent work.
  6. Very good work.
  7. Good work .
  8. Fair performance.
  9. Fairly good work.
  10. Showing improvement.
  11. Practical skills well developed.
  12. Quality of work has improved.
  13. Shows sincere effort.
  14. With greater application the standard of work should improve.
  15. Works accurately with due attention to detail.
  16. Fairly good results. [S/He] has the ability to do much better. He needs to realize the main reason he is at school and work to improve his overall behaviour.
  17. A fairly good term’s work. [S/He] has shown that he has potential. He has a very pleasant personality and is always willing.
  18. A very good term’s work, [S/He] is a very helpful and responsible student. She has a lot of potential and should do well in the future.
  19. A very good term’s work. [S/He] has worked well this term and she has the right attitude. She should go far.
  20. An excellent term’s work. [S/He] is showing a lot of promise and she should continue to do well.
  21. A commendable effort but remember that even better performances can be achieved.
  22. This is a good performance that must be maintained. [S/He] must however learn to settle down in class.
  1. [S/He] can achieve more with increased effort.
  2. Can do better but rather lazy.
  3. [S/He] is a capable student but is poorly organised.
  4. Fails to submit assignments at the correct time.
  5. Has a good grasp of facts but unable to express them effectively.
  6. Homework often neglected.
  7. Much too talkative.
  8. Can do much better .
  9. Must do extra work.
  10. Must pay attention to practical skills.
  11. Must pay attention to theory.
  12. Needs to read more.
  13. Needs to settle down and pay attention in class.
  14. Needs to submit all assignments.
  15. Often unprepared for class.
  16. Poor attitude to work.
  17. Poor handwriting.
  18. School-based assessment not completed.
  19. Should try to be competent in all aspects of the foreign language.
  20. Shows very little interest in the subject.
  21. [S/He] is too easily distracted.
  22. [S/He] is too often absent from class.
  23. Unsatisfactory, very little effort made.
  24. Usually works well but has difficulties with examinations.
  25. [S/He] has failed too many subject this term. He needs to settle down and work to improve his grades.
  26. [S/He] has too many scores below 50%. He must work harder on his weak areas in order to improve this performance.
  27. You should try to reach a minimum grade of 50%. Try a little harder.
  28. [S/He] is still too talkative and restless at times. He needs to settle down.
  29. [S/He] needs to adopt a more positive attitude towards his work. He has a very lazy attitude.
  30. [S/He's] absence from school appears to have hindered his performance this term.
  31. [S/He] needs to settle down and learn to resolve some problems on her own.
  32. [S/He's] absence from school appears to be having a crippling effect on his performance.

NB: This is not meant to be an exhaustive list of comments for reports. Other variations of the above or entirely different comments may be applicable.


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